Happy New Year Tiders!
It's that time of year where we turn the page on a new calendar year in the dead of winter. You are likely coming off putting energy into finishing out the last year strong at work while also managing the holidays and for some of you dealing with having the kiddos home for that week between Christmas and New Years. Somewhere amidst all of this we expect ourselves to create resolutions for the new year and put undue pressure on ourselves to have a plan January 1. Is it really that surprising that most resolutions fail?
That's why this year we are disrupting old patterns. Together we will walk through a series of exercises that help you tap into insights from 2023 and how to leverage those to set your vision for the coming year. And it's kicking off with today's episode where we focus on 2023 reflection. On this episode I'll share how to:
I look forward to jumpstarting the year with you.
p.s. If you are interested in additional support for the exercises here are additional options:
Show Notes: